A more complete Help file.
Add a better scoring system, and a ranking system.
Add communication capability and client-server model to allow remote players.
Adjust the window width to display the window title in full.
Use an install file instead of just a zip file.
The second stage of the AI will add a learning capability and will take a lot
longer to develop, but will ultimately be the key to making this game
interesting. This will also use varying levels of "cleverness", but here the
"cleverness" will be implemented by adjusting the ability of the AI to look
ahead. Depending on the parameters used, there might be a larger range of
levels for heuristic* AI players.
This will also necessitate the addition of a module to handle data files.
* Heuristic means an algorithm which has the ability to learn.
Add "email" players, where a query box appears for each turn asking for the
coordinates. Later, this might be directly tied to email.
Add ability to change colours, sounds and size settings. Extend config to save
and restore these. Possibly combine these into skins.
Add game and match recording capability. Add game record reloading and
replaying. Add save and continue options.
Allow users to create their own AI players, and create a DLL interface to use
Write a "training" program for AI players.